Chartered Accountants vacancy in Catholic Syrian Bank
Catholic Syrian Bank, a leading Private Sector Bank in India invites online applications for appointment of following Specialist Officer - Chartered Accountants in Scale-I and Scale-II from the qualified candidates.
Vacancies :
- Specialist Officer - Chartered Accountant : 30 posts, Age : 40 years as on 31/05/2017, Qualification : Only candidates who have successfully completed CA from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India will be considered., Pay Scale : Scale-I Rs. 23700-42020, Scale-II Rs. 31705-49950
Selected candidates may be appointed as Assistant Manager/ Manager in Scale I/II in IBA scale considering their experience and as per the bank’s existing terms and conditions. They may be posted in various branches/offices across India.
How to Apply :
Apply Online at Catholic Syrian Bank (CSB) website within 15 days only.
Detailed Information :
Please visit Career section at for details and online application format.